
Monday, December 10, 2012

My Favorite Pet Shop

This post is brought to you from our only yellow dog, Cleo.

I really love late night walks! There aren't as many distractions and my humans are much more relaxed so I can take time to smell everything we pass. The problem with late night walks down the dark country roads is that oncoming cars can’t see us so well. My human won the coolest set of night-time flashers for me to wear. Not only will they make me more visible but they look fabulous and you know how important it is for this little yellow dog to look fabulous! The first part of the set is a flashing reflective collar, which is currently on sale here for 4.95. I love the pretty blue color. What’s really neat is that it is reflective even when it is turned off. When you turn it on it has three settings: fast flashing, slower flashing and a steady on glow that doesn't flash. See how pretty it looks on me.


I’m sure you noticed the second part in the picture, it’s a cute little bone tag which also flashes when you turn it on. It flashes red. The combination of the two really will make sure that everyone sees you coming and it will make your walks much safer for you and your humans. The tag is available here on sale now for 2.99. I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and if you take late night walks you may want to consider getting a set for yourself from My Favorite Pet Shop.

 Love, Little yellow dog.

Disclosure: I was under no obligation to review this pendant but loved it so much I wanted to share it with you.