
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Know More Than Your Weight With the Ozeri Gen II Digital Bathroom Scale

All scales are not created equally and for my weight-loss adventure I wanted something that would do more than give me my weight number. I need to be able to gauge if my efforts are working or if I need to make adjustments. To do that I really need to know more than if my weight has dropped.

The Ozeri Gen II Digital Bathroom Scale offers all of the features I needed to be able to gauge my success and it is stylish looking as well. While it wasn't a personal need for me, I know from friends who have struggled to find a scale, the fact that it has a weight capacity of 440 is really something special.

Getting started was super easy. The batteries, 2 CR2032, were a snap, they are already installed you just need to remove the strip that was put there to stop it from turning on in transit. Then make sure the scale is set to weigh in your preference of pounds or kilograms with an easy switch of the bottom. That’s it, the scale is now ready to weigh!

To take advantage of the body fat and water ratios you will need to make user profiles. Don’t worry it is really easy too! You use the easy to follow instructions and three buttons to arrow through the settings and then you are ready to know more than your weight. It will automatically give you your body fat and water ratios if you weigh yourself barefoot, just make sure your bare feet are touching the four metal pads. I love that it can store more than one user too - up to eight!

They even include charts in the back of the instruction manual to help you gauge what your ratios mean. It’s so important to me to be able to have these numbers because as I add weight training to my exercise schedule I may not see a drop in my weight but I should see a shift in my body fat ratio.

I know it is a small thing, but one of the things I love most about this scale is that it is ready from the time you step on. There is no tap and wait like on my other scales. Now I can just stumble my tired self onto the scale and get my numbers first thing in the morning, simple, just the way I like things.

No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, it is important to have good tools to measure your efforts so that you can adjust accordingly. If you need a scale or if your scale just isn't giving you the feedback you need I recommend the Ozeri Gen II Digital Bathroom Scale.

Disclosure: I was given the products I reviewed and no other compensation was received. My opinions are my own and may differ from yours.


  1. wow.. this is pretty sophisticated for a scale. I love it!

  2. Any chance you still have the manual for this scale, and if so would you be willing to scan or photograph it for me? I can't figure out how to retrieve the info and it isn't doing it automatically. :/
