
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Useful Things

Every once in a while you stumble upon an item that is just downright useful. Whether it has multiple uses or solves an everyday problem, some products are just genius. Useful Things is a Portland, Oregon based store devoted finding useful and effective items and providing them to their customers.

From Useful Things, I got the chance to try the Light My Fire Collapsible Water Bottle. The bottle holds 24 ounces and can be used for hot or cold beverages. Not only is it microwave and dishwasher safe, but it also easily breaks down into separate pieces for easy cleaning and care. It is 100% BPA free as well, so you don't have to worry about nasty chemicals leeching into your beverages!

Now a collapsible water bottle might not seem like something you need but, I assure you, it is! Purses, school backpacks, camping supplies, and cramped kitchen spaces are just a few of the places that you need to save as much room as possible. Being able to almost cut in half the area that your water bottle takes up, can be a lifesaver. Once you finish your drink, you can turn it into itself and it barely takes up any room at all. I never thought about just how much room my water bottle takes up until I had all of the extra space available in my purse and in my kitchen. It truly is quite useful!

I love my collapsible water bottle and I am sure you know someone who would love one as well. If water bottles aren't your thing, the Useful Things website is packed full of items that help solve everyday issues. Once you check out their website, be sure follow them on Facebook so you never miss any news!

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

1 comment:

  1. This really is a useful item to get. I like that I can collapse it and if I ever forget my water bottle, I can take it out of my purse and use it to get a drink of water. Great to take on the road!
