
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Learn a Stitch Create a Scarf From Leisure Arts

Where are my crafty cats today? You know I have really been into learning and absorbing as much crochet knowledge as I can. I am always looking out for the next stitch, design trick or technique. I have been browsing our favorite pattern shop again and have a fabulous book to tell you about! 

Learn a Stitch Create a Scarf speaks to exactly how I started learning. I am not a fan of doing anything without a purpose so every new stitch I learned became a scarf. In fact my husband always kids when I start a new learning scarf that very soon I will have enough to sew them together in a scarf-ghan blanket! I like the way he thinks.

At any rate, apparently I am not alone in using the easy scarf format as a learning tool. In Learn a Stitch Create Scarf, you will learn some really awesome new patterns like the friendship rings, which I have been wanting tackle because I think they would make a great border! There are even a few sampler scarves so you can learn a few new stitches in the same project! 

I am personally going to make every project in this book because they are all fabulous. While I am working on the scarves I just know I will be inspired to create something new, original and fabulous. What about you, is there a stitch you have been wanting to master? Do you also make scarves as learning tools? 

No matter what type of craft or pattern you are looking for, take some time to browse Leisure Arts' great selection and make sure you also connect with Leisure Arts on Facebook and Twitter so that you never miss a special or new pattern! Also, if you sign up for their knitting or crochet newsletters, you get a free pattern on Fridays!

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.


  1. The book seems really great, I am always amazed to see all the different stitches that are possible. I never really knew you could create so many items by crocheting. It's not just afghans anymore.

  2. I am experienced at crochet, but I'm not all that great at knitting. I would like to learn more knitting skills.

  3. I would definitely love this! I have wanted to learn to know and one of the things I would make tons of... is scarves! My daughter is obsessed and living in the North East, it really gets cold and we need scarves! :) Thanks again! I am going to check this out.

  4. a great idear to do it like that,thanks for sharing.
    Greatings from Ria out of the Netherlands

  5. Nice scarves. I like the guy scarf too.

  6. A really nice thing to crochet is scarves! They look like something that I can ever learn to do. I like wearing scarves in the Winter to keep me warm, and making some Scarves crocheted would be fun!
