
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Snuggle Making the World Softer for 30 Years #LetsSnuggle

I love birthday parties, don’t you? Well how about a celebration of snuggly softness? For 30 years now Snuggle has been making the world a softer, more cuddly place. The smell of snuggle and the sight of the traditional blue bottle brings back great memories of helping my granny with the wash. 

Making the world a softer place is something we can all do in our own special ways too. I have been making soft hats and shawls for local hospitals and the local retirement home so that when the chill sets in and they feel lonely, they can wrap up and snuggle down knowing someone was thinking about them.  Of course, since I have pets, before I donate anything I always give it a wash and make sure to use Snuggle so that my yarn art is as soft and cuddly as possible. 

I am just now gathering yarn to start up craft creations for this season and as you see, I have a lot of yarn to give out a lot of love! I am planning shawls for the ladies and hat and scarf sets for the gentlemen! I have even designed a few hooded scarves that I think would be nice as well. And, of course, there will be a handful of chemo caps for the cancer center. 

As part of this fantastic celebration I was sent a lovely basket with some party supplies and several great Snuggle products to try like, Ultra Snuggle in Blue Sparkle and Snuggle Exhilarations in white lavender & sandalwood in liquid as well as drier sheets and even some of the new Scent Boosters in the concentrated scent packs.  These supplies will go a long way to making my house and my donations softer and sweeter to snuggle!

What are you and your family doing to make the world a softer place? Do you have fond memories of the Snuggle brand from your childhood? I hope you will join in the celebration by making the world a softer place! Happy Birthday Snuggle bear! 

As a birthday present Snuggle is offering one reader the chance to win a birthday basket like the one I received. Enter using the Rafflecopter below. Open to US residents, 18 years and older. Winner has 48 to respond before another is drawn. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received free products from the Snuggle Den. I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers. My Empty Nest is not responsible for prize fulfillment. 


  1. I smile at passersby when I walk the dogs.

  2. I make the world a softer place by helping others when I can. I always donate to the Thanksgiving and Christmas food drive!

  3. I make the world a softer place by helping out around the house. :)

  4. We donate clothing throughout the year

  5. i donate clothes and food. smile at ppl, saying hello to strangers

  6. Doing small, random things. Pre-paying for someone's lunch, etc.

  7. I try to help whenever I can! I keep chance in my purse, and always put in tip jars, or whomever needs it!

  8. Donate clothing and food. We also donate alot of time.

  9. I make it a softer place by just being me ;0)

  10. I teach my kids to be kind to others.

  11. I make the world a softer place by inspiring others to give back to our community!

  12. I'd make the world a softer place by always having something nice to say when I see someone.

  13. I try to make the world a better place by treating people the way I would want to be treated even if they have wronged me.

  14. I take the older ladies in my lunch group with doctor appointments and various other appointments.

  15. Oh Wow I LOVE Snuggle!!! I make the world a softer place by using Snuggle fabric softner on all our clothes :) Thanks!!

  16. I make the world a softer place by trying to kind everywhere I go.

  17. I use Snuggle to keep my clothes smelling great and soft

  18. I use Snuggle for making laundry softer, of course, but I also leave a Snuggle sheet in stored suitcases to make them smell nice.

  19. I give lots of hugs! What can I say? I am a hugger.

  20. I try to treat everyone around me like how I want to be treated.

  21. I try to help as many people as I can by doing things for them

  22. I try to help those in need such as donating items and time to those that might not be able to do for themselves.


  23. I make the world a softer place by trying to choose my words wisely.

  24. i try to do good deeds as often as possible.

  25. I make it a softer place by being kind!

  26. I always make sure everyone's sheets and blanket are super soft for a cuddly sleep.

  27. I always try to smile or say Good Morning or Good Afternoon as I pass by someone.

  28. I make the world a softer place by smiling and greeting people. :)

  29. I use liquid fabric softener and dryer sheets to make sure everyone's clothes are extra soft and scented!


  30. I always teach the importance of kindness to my nieces and help them to be nicer to eachother and share.

  31. I try to be thoughful, understanding and loving to those around me

  32. I would make the world a softer place by helping those who are truly in need of help.

  33. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

  34. I make the world a softer place by being home for my children before and after school so I can be available for them when they need me.

  35. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

  36. I teach my grandkids to treat others kindly and think before they speak.

  37. I make the world a softer place by being there for my friends and family. I always there if they need someone to talk to.

  38. I use kindness. I do my best to not complain and to try to deflect others' attention when they complain.

  39. I make the world a softer place by being nice to people.
