
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Absolutely Gorgeous Doilies From Leisure Arts

Hello crafters! I hope you are having a great week. As I recover from all of my recent outpatient surgeries, I have been trying a lot of new crochet techniques. This week I have been playing with old school styles and falling in love with doilies. I wanted to try something unconventional with these old lace patterns but first I needed a great selection of beautiful patterns.

Of course I went to Leisure Arts and searched for doily patterns and was spoiled for choice! I settled on Absolutely Gorgeous Doilies. In this awesome book there are eighteen simply stunning doily patterns. There are round and oblong styles so you get a selection that will fit your surface needs.

Now as I said I wanted to try something special and different. What I did was droll over the 18 patterns and settle on one that I just loved, which was Windsor Round. Then instead of using the thread or steel hooks I used regular worsted weight and a J hook. In doing so I was able to make something that could be so many things.

Looking at my creation it could be perfect as a chair throw, baby wrap, and my favorite a tea shawl! Now that I know these patterns are not only written well and easy to follow but can also be blown up successfully I will be making many, many more. I may even try to blow one up into a bed sized creation.

There is something simply stunning about old school lace design and doilies are inherently delicate looking. No matter what you want to do with the pattern, this book will have one you will love. Have you ever tried something dramatic like blowing up a doily pattern?

Take some time to browse Leisure Arts' great selection and make sure you also connect with Leisure Arts on Facebook and Twitter so that you never miss a special or new pattern! Also, if you sign up for their knitting or crochet newsletters, you get a free pattern on Fridays!

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my reader

1 comment:

  1. I did the opposite,using no 60 thread instead of no 10 and made a miniature doily
