
Thursday, October 23, 2014


Helping children work through their emotions can be hard. Luckily, there is a series of books to help you, and your little one, face what may be bothering them. It's called The WorryWoo Monsters, and each book comes with an adorable stuffed monster too. Not only are they cute little monsters, but this series helps children to deal with complex emotional issues in a wonderful, easy and open way, making it a wonderful parenting tool.

The WorryWoo Monsters, a series by Andi Green, who wanted to create characters with a story that each embodied an emotion, is a wonderful way to explore emotional issues your child might be dealing with. The monsters who help are Wince, Nola, Rue, Squeek, Fuddle, and Twitch. Each story explores a different emotion such as loneliness, feeling like you don’t fit in, worrying to much, and being shy which are all issues that children face.

Wince’s story book, Don’t Feed the WorryBug, is a wonderful WorryWoos story about how worries grow bigger and bigger, if you let them and we all know that can be so very true. The book gives kids the idea to stay busy doing fun things and not waste their days worrying. This book is a great tool to not only address your child's feelings, but also help them work through them and find better things to do than worry. The advice is awesome and something that we could all learn from.

Reading the book together is fun too because it has such a sweet character and the tempo and rhyme scheme are really nice, especially for reading out loud. Also included was a great workbook called, Helping Young Worriers Beat the WorryBug. This book is very informative and full of great ideas to help your little worrier beat their own WorryBugs.

I know we will be adding more to our WooryWoos collection very soon. To shop for a monster that is right for your family you can visit the WorryWoos website. The WorryWoos books are available for $14.99 and come in hardcover. The coordinating plush toys are $21.50. You can get the book and plush together as a set for $36. You can also follow WorryWoos on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to stay connected and updated on all of the new monsters and their stories!

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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