
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Encyclopedia of Quilting from Leisure Arts

I have always loved the look of a handmade quilt. Since I have zero sewing skills, I have shied away from even thinking about them. However now that I feel comfortable in my newly found craftiness, I wanted to branch out from yarn arts. I knew for something like quilting I would need to start at the very, very beginning. Of course that would mean a trip to my favorite place to shop for craft books, Leisure Arts.

I was not surprised how spoiled for choice I was either. I always find just what I need, which this time was the Encyclopedia of Quilting (revised). This fantastic book truly starts at the beginning by going over the history of quilting, which I found both interesting and inspiring. The pictures in the history section show some really awesome quilts as well.

Next it covers the basics, this section I have read a few times. It explains the parts of a quilt, planning, and preparations, including supplies and even ways you might find inspiration. The fabrics section is so jammed full of information that is all so new to me - I am sure I will be revisiting this a million times as I plan my first quilt project. The one thing I know for sure is that as I read this book, my shopping list is growing wild!

I do have a sewing machine that I have tried to use in the past with no luck so, I really love that this book includes information for both hand quilting and machine quilting. I am not saying I won’t speak to my machine again, but I think it is fabulous to have the option of working either way. The techniques and styles sections are very thorough and make me super excited to think of all the possibilities. There are even beyond basics techniques too so this will be a great resource for people who have experience with quilting as well.

Once you have absorbed enough to feel ready to get started, there is a projects section too! There are projects here that are so user friendly like a scarf and appliqué pillow. There is even a blanket that is marketed at the easy skill! The projects range in skill level and cover a lot of techniques. They have machine and hand projects, as well as small and large projects. In addition to all of the projects, there is also a huge section of patterns that you can use to design your own pattern.

Since this is my first and sewing is so intimidating for me, I am still in the extra secret planning phase. I am thinking of a small quilt or wall hanging to start off with. And as many of you know, when I start something new I like to do it right because I usually go all in! I feel like I am prepared now with this fabulous resource in my corner. Have you quilted before? I would love to hear about what you made!

Take some time to browse Leisure Arts' great selection and make sure you also connect with Leisure Arts on Facebook and Twitter so that you never miss a special or new pattern! Also, if you sign up for their knitting or crochet newsletters, you get a free pattern on Fridays!

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my reader


  1. I absolutely love quilts and I think it would be nice to know how to quilt. I think they make great gifts and this sounds like a lot of great information.

  2. The only thing I can do is sew with yarn. My mom taught me when I was pregnant. I made all kinds of baby blankets but haven't touched it again since I had my daughter. lol. I'd love to know how to quilt. I've seen so many beautiful ones but they look so difficult. Guess this book would be a good place to start.

  3. I'd love to try quilting, my Mother in law was great at it. :)

  4. I have seen homemade quilts and they are so gorgeous. The time that someone puts into it and really makes a work of art is amazing. I love havig a quilt on my bed this time of the year. I have a regular quilt and a Holiday Pointsetta quilt that I love. I hope you have fun making your quilt when you do it.

  5. I love quilts and my mom used to make them. It really takes skill and patience.

  6. I have made quilts and need to find some time to make one for my new great niece. I love crafts that are useful and beautiful.

  7. I have always wanted to make a quilt but I have to admit that I am quite intimidated. Not to mention that the initial investment in supplies would be hefty. However, I cannot wait to see how you do, you are much more craftier than myself.

  8. I really like quilts and how they look/feel. I'd love to learn how to make my own!

  9. I would love to make a quilt. I wouldn't have any idea where to start though. I have seen some beautiful quilts and would enjoy making them for gifts.
