
Monday, November 17, 2014

Trick or Deadly Treat by Livia J Washburn

I hope you are ready for another great book! You remember I told about the series of Fresh Baked Mysteries when I read The Fatal Funnel Cake? Well I loved it so much I had to read Trick or Deadly Treat by Livia J Washburn. This is part nine in the series and after reading it I am totally convinced I will be getting the other seven!

Just as in the other one I read, the characters felt like old friends of mine. I was glad to see them again, seriously. In case you missed the last review, that would be Phyllis, who has a knack for solving murders, and her friends that rent rooms in her house. They are all retired teachers and sweet as pie.

This one started with Sam getting a dog, and you know how much I love my four rescue babies, so when he rescued Buck, I was just so happy. I know they will be best friends forever! Of course there was a mystery, Buck was an injured dog and needed immediate medical treatment for a broken leg. Sam and Phyllis took him straight to the vet who they felt an instant kin too. Us pet lovers are just that way.

There was an upcoming Halloween party at the vet’s and Phyllis and Sam were excited to go. Phyllis and Carolyn were making dog treats to take and had a friendly sort of competition to see whose were better, though most dogs aren't really picky about treats. Just when the party gets going, the police arrive and arrest the vet, Dr. Baxter, for the murder of his wife. Sam and Phyllis both feel like he wasn't the one but Phyllis really isn't drawn to jump like Sam is.

So Sam investigates, in a relaxed sort of way and pretty much on his own until Dr. Baxter’s attorney asks him and Phyllis to officially help consult on the case. That's a bit new for Phyllis since she has never been asked for help before. There are a lot of suspects and twists and, of course, the perfect amount of suspense.

I liked that this one focused more on Sam and we got to know him a bit better. The story was paced so beautifully and the characters, major and minor, were fully engaging. I think once you read a little, you will be pulled into the quaint world of Phyllis and her friends and not want to leave. As a bonus, like before, you will find great recipes in the back of the book as well. I absolutely loved the they included human and pet recipes this time and my furry babies are pretty excited about that too!

Take some time to browse the other great mysteries available from Berkley Prime Crime. While you are there, you can sign up for the newsletter so you never miss a new release. I must warn you though, after browsing my wish list is longer than I could probably read.

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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