
Friday, December 5, 2014

Loot Crate - November 2014

It's that special geeky time of the month again where looters everywhere stalk their mailbox in anticipation. For any newcomers, or generally forgetful people, Loot Crate is quite possibly the most awesome subscription box out there. For only $13.37 (Get it? Haha!) a month, you can get one of these epic boxes for yourself. This month's theme is Battle. No matter what game you are playing, book you are reading, or movie/show you are watching, there is always a battle for something. Be it an awesome new weapon, shiny loot, or the love of a young maiden, battles are everywhere.

The first thing I pulled out of this month's crate was an Assassin's Creed IV Unity Coin with a Velvet Pouch by Ubisoft Entertainment Inc. I regret to inform you that I have yet to play any of the Assassin's Creed games but they are on my list of must plays. There was also a Street Fighter Headband by CAPCOM. I think it is safe to say that most people have played Street Fighter, or at least know of it, so this was a great addition to the Battle Crate.

This month's crate also included a shirt and I just love Loot Crates with shirts! Being a jeans and t-shirt type of girl, I love adding awesome, nerdy shirts to my wardrobe. This month the shirt is a Pirates vs. Ninja shirt. The two meld together and are composed of words that relate to the characters. Words like scurvy and plunder for the pirate and warrior and invisible assassin for the ninja. This shirt is way to awesome. Also, for the record, I am totally Team Pirate!

Next is the Mega Man Mini Helmet by CAPCOM. It is pretty sad to say that I have never played a Mega Man game considering he has started in over 130 different games over the past 27 years. Either way, this replica helmet is actually pretty cool and the little stand it comes with is great for putting this collectible on display!

The HALO Drop Ship Mini Figure by MEGA BLOKS was the next thing I pulled out. I am a huge HALO fan and I was so excited to see this included. I got the little blue Spartan and he came with a pistol and a grenade. This little guy is an awesome addition to the rest of my collectibles!

Loot Crate, as usual, was SO awesome this month! I know you are dying to have your own Loot Crates coming to your door so remember: All you have to do is sign up and for $13.37 you can have your very own. Sign up today though because boxes are limited and with stuff this epic, demand is high.

You can also stay up to date with fun extras and specials by following Loot Crate on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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