
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Plagued By Quilt by Molly MacRae

I am so in love with the Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery series. I mean seriously! Yarn, ghosts, and murder mysteries all in the same great place. How can you go wrong? I have just finished the latest part Plagued By Quilt by Molly MacRae and I am just as in love as I was with the first part.

Kath Rutledge the yarn shop owner and her gang of needlework buddies from the TGIF group (Thank God It's Fiber) are preparing to teach a workshop at a local historic farm when an archaeological dig turns up more than artifacts. In fact, a full skeleton is excavated. What’s more is it might be related to the ghost that haunts Kath’s yarn shop, Geneva, who is a lot of fun. If that wasn’t enough, the assistant director who was leading the dig turns up dead too!  

I was so happy to see my old favorite characters, Sheriff Cole/Clod (LOL) and his much more appealing brother Joe. And of course the whole TGIF gang was there and the crazy, annoying, but always funny Spivey twins. I just know you all are going love the whole cast of characters just like I do. 

What’s better is the story is just as relaxing and charming as the cast. It’s so well written that each time I settle into read, I easily slip right into the town and feel totally at home. The story is paced well and the right amount of intrigue to keep me guessing and wondering until the reveal.  

Did I mention there were recipes and a craft project too? While I always love the crafts, my husband has caught on that he gets to try some very delicious treats as a result of my book choices and he now really encourages certain series' that have tasty treats. 

Ooo and there was an excerpt from the next book, Knit The Usual Suspects… I am so excited! 

Take some time to browse the other great mysteries available from Berkley Prime Crime. While you are there, you can sign up for the newsletter so you never miss a new release. I must warn you though, after browsing my wish list is longer than I could probably read.

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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