
Monday, March 9, 2015

Loot Crate - February 2015

It's that special geeky time of the month again where looters everywhere stalk their mailbox in anticipation. For any newcomers, or generally forgetful people, Loot Crate is quite possibly the most awesome subscription box out there. For only $13.37 (Get it? Haha!) a month, you can get one of these epic boxes for yourself. This month's theme is Play. Most of us play a game throughout the day, even if it is just a simple card game while you are bored. That being said, let's get playing!

The first item I pulled out of this month's box was a HEXBUG. I got an orange ant and I think it is super freaky. I am so scared of bugs! This thing is super fast and scurries across the floor until it hits something. When it does hit an obstacle, it changes it direction of travel. They can even flip themselves, should they get on their back. I am sure these would be a great gift for the little, or big, boy in your life.

I am a reader. I will choose reading over watching a movie any day so I was super excited to see a copy of 'Ready Player One' by Ernest Cline. I cannot wait to jump into this novel! It is described as "Willy Wonka meets The Matrix" and sounds so interesting. There was also an awesome PacMan poster by Manny Peters. It is a breakdown of an Atari game cartridge and would be a great addition to any game room!

Up next, is the DIY Munny Figure. This vinyl figure is made by Kidrobot and comes with three dry erase markers. The blank figure can be whatever you want! The possibilities are endless as long as you use your imagination. Since I am no artist, I passed this project on to my boyfriend, who is. I told him that I wanted an evil clown and he went to creating. My new little pal has liver spots, a receding hairline, food in his mouth, a butt-flap for later, and a very Venom-esque shaped mouth!

The SUPERFIGHT card game from SKYBOUND Games is up next. In this game, you draw 3 character cards and 3 ability cards and have to make the best fighter possible using one of each. After you and your opponent are ready, you both reveal your character and debate on who would win and why. Be sure you really like who you are playing with because this game can get heated! Also, this month, the box unfolded into a board game. Using the Rock, Paper, Scissor dice included, you have to race to be the first to fill your Loot Crate with all five items.

Loot Crate, as usual, was awesome this month! I know you are dying to have your own Loot Crates coming to your door so remember: All you have to do is sign up and for $13.37 you can have your very own. Sign up today though because boxes are limited and with stuff this epic, demand is high.

You can also stay up to date with fun extras and specials by following Loot Crate on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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