
Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Cozy Cookbook from Berkley Prime Crime

You all know I love cozies! Cozy mysteries, for anyone who might not be familiar, are a special type of murder mystery that doesn't dwell so much on the gruesome aspects of the murder but more so on the characters and settings. Reading them leaves you with a cozy sort of welcome home feeling. And some also leave you with some sort of fun crafts or recipes in the back of the book depending on which series you are reading. 

I am always amused when my husband asks if my newest book has anything tasty for him, since he does have a sweet tooth that can’t be denied. With that said, as soon he saw my copy of The Cozy Cookbook he hijacked it and started making a grocery list! I’ll come back to that in a moment…

This fabulous cookbook has more than 100 recipes from some of my favorite authors and, even more exciting, it has some from authors I hadn't read yet, so I made my own shopping list of sorts using the handy list in the back which includes the full series titles for the tasty series used in the creation of the awesome cookbook. 

The contents page makes it so easy to find the right recipe, as it is broken into meal type categories and when you flip to that page you will find another content page that has all the recipes for that section. I love the variety! You will find all the meals represented a few vegetarian options and even breads, drinks and desserts. 

Back to my husband’s shopping list. He loves trying new things and he is a vegan leaning vegetarian so when he saw the vegan vanilla cupcakes from Jenn McKinlay he started making a list. It was a fun recipe to cook for me because I got to use things I have never cooked with before, like agave. I also loved that he could freely lick the bowl without my "that has eggs in it" disapproving glance. These were such a big hit the only picture I managed was one tray before it was iced. After icing they vanished before I even knew what was happening! It was also really fun to make something I had read about as the Cupcake Bakery Mystery Series is one of my favorites! 

In addition to the cupcakes, we also tried Parmesan Crisps. This was exciting for two reasons. One is that since I have several dietary restrictions, there is no real crispy chip like items left in my diet. I was tickled to no end to see something with no flour or any other ingredient I can’t have. They were so simple to make that I can toss in a batch anytime with ease. Plus, now my crispy cravings are being met. I cannot thank Laura Childs enough! The second reason I was so excited was that I have not read Laura Childs before so now I have the excitement of finding a new author to read! 

As you might imagine this is a resource I will use both in the kitchen and on my reading table. This was just released on the 7th and is sure to be a huge hit so you’ll want to order your copy from your favorite book seller today. 

Take some time to browse the other great mysteries available from Berkley Prime Crime. While you are there, you can sign up for the newsletter so you never miss a new release. I must warn you though, after browsing my wish list is longer than I could probably read. You can also connect with them on Twitter where can happen across a fun giveaway as well. 

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.