
Monday, July 18, 2016

Spells and Scones (Magical Bakery Mystery #6) by Bailey Cates

Knowing me like you do, I imagine as soon as you saw the title of this post, you knew I was going to be giddy and sparkling. You would be right! I mean seriously, magic and food themes all mashed together with mystery, what could be more delicious? Spells and Scones (Magical Bakery Mystery #6) by Bailey Cates was such a magical read.

From the back of the book:

There's a body in the bookshop in this latest novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the Magical Bakery mysteries...

When the bookshop next to the Honeybee Bakery hosts a signing for a Savannah radio celebrity's new self-help book, magical baker Katie Lightfoot is happy to provide some delectable desserts. A big crowd has turned out for the event, curious about the book (and maybe to sample some goodies), but the final chapter comes too soon for the author when she is found dead at the event.

The prime suspect is Angie Kissel, a former witch whose familiar was once Katie’s own terrier, Mungo. Katie is at first hesitant to help, afraid of losing the little dog who has become so important to her. But after a little nudge from Mungo himself, Katie decides to try to conjure up the real killer—before Angie gets served.

My thoughts:

I adored this from start to finish. I do so love anything witchcraft. The setting was fabulous and the characters were enchanting. I loved that the victim was given attention. Often they can just be a body to trigger the mystery, but in this story I really felt I got to know her as the mystery unraveled, it was unique. I also found the familiar story to be a fantastic touch that added so much depth and charm. Little details like that make all the difference between a good read and a great read.

The mystery was solvable, I did it! I love when I figure things out in time, and it was paced wonderfully. I really love that in part six there is still such attention to detail and a beautiful balance between mystery and character development. I look forward to the next part.

Take some time to browse the other great mysteries available from Berkley Prime Crime. While you are there, you can sign up for the newsletter so you never miss a new release. I must warn you though, after browsing my wish list is longer than I could probably read. You can also connect with them on Twitter where you can happen across a fun giveaway as well. 

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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