
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Seeds of Deception (Orchard #10) by Sheila Connolly

I'm happy to welcome you back to the next part of a delicious, long-lived series. Seeds of Deception (Orchard #10) by Sheila Connolly. I had so much when I started this series last year at part nine, that I went back and read many of the past parts to get ready for this one.

From the back of the book:

The New York Times bestselling author of A Gala Event returns with newlyweds Meg and Seth Chapin who should be worried about writing thank you notes, not taking a juicy bite out of crime...

With the bushels of time they spent organizing their wedding, Meg and Seth didn’t have a chance to plan a honeymoon. But now that winter has arrived, there’s not much to do at the orchard. So with their shared love of history and all things apple, they pick Thomas Jefferson’s orchards at Monticello as the perfect getaway.

While they enjoy the beautiful sights, there’s a rotten addition to the agenda when Meg’s parents discover their handyman dead in the backyard. With a bitter police chief eyeing Meg’s father as a suspect, Meg and Seth have to cut their honeymoon short to find the root of the problem.

My thoughts:

Seth and Meg are such a unique couple. This story starts with several chapters that give us a much deeper look into them together as they plan and start out on their honeymoon. There were also a lot of neat informative parts as they traveled and talked. 

I liked that this was focused on a few characters, Meg's parents to be more precise. It was neat look at why Meg is the way she is. They sure did have a unique family. It's telling of why her and Seth communicate the way they do with each other. 

The mystery had a nice relaxed pacing, there was a general mellow feel to the whole book that made it easy to read. I did not solve it before the reveal. If you want a character driven mystery with unique aspects and lots of interesting tidbits thrown in this will be perfect for you. I look forward to the next part and learning more about everyone.

Take some time to browse the other great mysteries available from Berkley Prime Crime. While you are there, you can sign up for the newsletter so you never miss a new release. I must warn you though, after browsing my wish list is longer than I could probably read. You can also connect with them on Twitter where you can happen across a fun giveaway as well. 

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.

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