Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year! and a resolution.

I don’t think I have made a New Year resolution since I was a kid but this year I am going to. This year I am going to get fit and lead a healthier lifestyle.

It’s a journey I started a few years ago when I hit a very low point or rather a high point at 230 pounds. I could tell you it was my health and my medications that caused it and that would be partially true, but I have to take responsibility as well. I used those excuses to let things get way out of control.

I’ll approach this the same way I did to lose the first 70 pounds with slow steady changes that I can live with. I can’t do any crazy exercises due to my health. In fact I can’t do more than yoga and walking but you can bet I should be and can do them more than I do now. I can also eat a lot better. I really have let all of my old habits come back and I guess that is why I gained back 15 pounds.

Don’t worry about being flooded with motivational weight loss posts and whatnot. I became scale obsessed last time and I don’t want to do that again. I will probably only update every month or when I hit a ten pound milestone, as checking your weight and measurements too frequently can be discouraging.

I hope you will enjoy following my journey and perhaps even join me on my path to finding my new fit and healthy self.

Happy New Year may it be all you dreamed of.


  1. Good luck with your resolutions for the New Year! I
    am going to try to make better food choices as well.
    I also have a few other resolutions. Usually I don't make resolutions, but I am going to try it Next Year. (boy, where did this year go?)

    1. Thank you and good luck to you as well! The year sure did fly by, it is amazing sometimes when you look back at all that happened.

  2. wow- your beautiful either way- congrats though- I had no idea about your weight loss!

  3. Congratulations on your loss so far. I look forward to joining you in getting fit and healthy in the next year!

    1. Thank you and I certainly look forward to the company. Please keep me posted with your success - it will be very encouraging.
