Monday, September 3, 2012

Empty Nest Labor Day

The holidays sure seem different now that the kids have moved so far away. I hear that in time we will actually enjoy our new alone holidays but honestly at the moment I wonder if they are worth the effort. I mean we don’t really like grilling out, we just did it because the kids loved it. It is odd to think about what ‘we’ want to do with an extra day off, because we have always thought about what the kids would like to do. This Labor Day he is taking a nap and I am working on this blog post and will probably go bake something later. Even that seems odd, what do I bake now? I don’t even know what we like vs. the extra sweet stuff the kids always wanted. I may try something totally new. I’ll share the results and recipe if I do. I hope you and yours are having/have had a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. i just love to listen to you. so nice to see you blogging
