Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Everyone With Shoes Needs SteriShoe

I don’t really think I need to tell you I love shoes. There is nothing a girl can’t accomplish with the right pair of shoes. I would say that I like everything about shoes, but that wouldn't be entirely true. Shoes that are well worn and worn for certain activities can get, well, gross.

Personally I have sweaty feet which can lead to smelly shoes, especially sneakers and shoes that I am more active in. It’s germs that cause a not very pleasant smell, and I’m not sure what unsettles me more, the smell or knowing that I have germs near or on my feet! I’m not the only one in the house with shoe ‘issues’ my husband also has some less than fresh shoes. It’s not surprising since he is really active and works outside a lot.

There are sprays and chemicals you can treat your shoes with, but I am leery of putting chemicals on anything that is in close contact with my skin all day long. I was just so thrilled when I found a chemical free way to sanitize my family’s shoes.

SteriShoe is a safe, effective, and easy to use device that destroys the microorganisms that cause toe nail fungus, athlete‘s foot and shoe odor. That is so awesome because the combination of sweat and heat make our shoe a perfect breeding ground for these bacteria and fungi.

With the very first treatment the SteriShoe sanitizer kills up to 99.9 percent of the microorganisms in your shoes! The SteriShoe comes with everything you need to get started: a left and right sanitizer, two ultraviolet light bulbs, 2 shoes straps, 2 shoes bags and a power supply.

What I really love is how easy it is to use. You just plug the power supply into the wall, then into the sanitizer, place the sanitizer in your shoe and then put the shoe in the shoe bag. Once you close the shoe bag with the drawstring press the on button.  If you have backless shoes you can use the shoe strap to hold the sanitizer in place. The indicator light will let you know if it is working properly. Once it is finished the light goes off and it is safe to take it out!

The human foot has 250,000 sweat glands and we sweat up to one pint per day into our shoes. That’s a pretty gross thought but thanks to the SteriShoe we need not fear our sweaty germy shoes. While this is perfect for someone like me with sweaty feet, it is also ideal for someone with Diabetes who needs to take extra special care of their feet. It’s also a must have for athletes and really active people like my husband. In fact if you wear shoes you probably want a SteriShoe sanitizer.

I invite you browse the SteriShoe site and read all of the feet facts and about what the SteriShoe can do for you. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers. 

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