As many of you may know I have a lot of dietary restrictions, most of which are out of medical necessity and not negotiable. The last few hits took away everything that could be considered a portable snack. Seriously, there was nothing I could grab and go. Now I don’t mind home cooking all of my meals, in fact, I like knowing what is in my food. However, there are times you just need something, now, or something portable.
Thankfully I found a delicious option. The Good Bean!!! These tasty little beans are just that… roasted beans. As a huge fan of hummus, I knew I like chick peas but roasted crunchy chick peas had never crossed my radar. When I read the ingredients list I was so thrilled to see nothing there I couldn’t have. Needless to say, I may need to buy stock in this company, because I will be turning in a lot of orders! These beans are roasted until they are crunchy little morsels, that are perfectly salted or seasoned. They hit that salty snack craving without giving you all of the junk you can’t or don’t want in your diet. This is really snacking you can feel good about. One serving has as much protein as almonds, as much fiber as two cups of broccoli and as much folate as three cups of spinach! Plus, nothing over-engineered and nothing artificial. They are gluten-free, nut-free, vegan, kosher, and non-GMO. The roasted chickpeas come in a variety of flavors; sea salt, cracked pepper, smoky chili & lime, sweet cinnamon, mesquite BBQ, Thai coconut, and chocolate. Due to my very strict requirements, I was only able to try the sea salt and cracked pepper, both of which are simply awesome. I am so beyond excited that I now have a snack option!! In addition to the roasted bean, The Good Bean also offers The Fruit & No-Nut Bar in apricot coconut, fruit & seeds trail mix, and chocolate berry. And they have bean chips!! They come in sweet chili, jalapeno cheddar, sea salt, cheesy nacho, and BBQ bacon. With all that variety, restricted snacking need never be boring again.
Take a moment to browse and find your perfect guilt free, junk free snack at The Good Bean. Make sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter so you never miss a new product! Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.
I'm on a mission to rid our house of unhealthy foods and replace them with healthy foods. This sounds like something to try.