The kit is delivered right to door with free shipping and contains: litter box, 100 percent pine pellet litter, false floor, high sides, scoop and 18 bags. It lasts 4 to 6 weeks and has everything you will need. I think that is just awesome. All your litter needs delivered right to you, and the best part is you never have to change the litter!
That’s right you heard me no changing needed! The pellets are designed so that when they contact the cat urine they turn into sawdust. All you have to do is use your scoop to stir the litter and the sawdust will fall through the small holes in the false floor, leaving you nothing but the unused pine pellets.
Another bonus is that it is better for your cat! Clay litter sticks to your cats paws and then they ingest it when the bath themselves. Clay that they ingest can absorb nutrients and fluids that your cat needs. Also the dust from clay litter can lead to respiratory issues. The clumping litters are no better, the quartz silica is a known carcinogen for cats and humans.

At first I was worried Sam might not take to the new litter as he preferred to sleep in the shipping box but when he was ready he used it no problems at all. Since me and Sam felt that was a private matter I included pictures of him playing in the shipping box rather than using the potty - you are welcome.
If you have been looking for a litter solution I invite you to browse the Litter One site and see why this is the number one selling self contained, biodegradable litter box on the market.
Disclosure: I may receive products in exchange for an honest review. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I personally believe will be good for my readers.
this looks AWESOME! I absolute despise traditional litter boxes with how much waste they produce and if the plastic tray gets filthy or breaks that gets dumped and replaced as well and that is beyond annoying. This looks pretty darn smart!